Interview – Justice in America Explores the 1982 Alpine Meadows Killer Avalanche
In 1982, a catastrophic avalanche hit Alpine Meadows, a popular Northern California ski area, killing seven people and causing millions of dollars in damage to resort facilities. In this Insider Exclusive “Justice in America” Network TV Special, Skip Walker, Managing Partner at Walker, Hamilton, & Kearns, LLP, shares the story of the ensuing four-and-a-half-month jury…
Read MoreInterview – Justice in America Takes the Bull by the Horns
People would be surprised to learn how many personal injuries are caused by cattle. While people working with or near cattle are often at risk, members of the public, such as dog walkers on public footpaths, can also have dangerous encounters with bulls, cows and bison. In this episode of the Insider Exclusive “Justice in…
Read MoreAppellate Victory for Injured Firefighters
In November 2023, Skip Walker and Jeff Walker obtained a stunning appellate victory, reversing a jury verdict that hinged on application of the firefighter’s rule, which basically says first responders assume the risk of injury when carrying out their duties. The underlying case, Rattary v. Favro, involves extremely serious injuries to firefighters who were struck…
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Hubris in the Courtroom
HUBRIS IN THE COURTROOM by Walter Walker Firm partner Walter "Skip" Walker presented at the 2021 Western Trial Lawyers Association's Summer Seminar, held in Maui, Hawaii from June 7 - 11. This conference brings together trial lawyers from around the country. As the association's website says, "From Masters of the Courtroom to litigation neophytes, everyone…
Read MoreLessons From a Novelist on Picking a Jury
[Originally published in Plaintiff Magazine, January 2020.] The story you tell must be yours, not one that somebody else has told in another place at another time. In my “other” career, I write novels. Usually they are about lawyers. Always they have been published by major publishing houses. On more than one occasion they have…
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