Love Those Juries
[This originally appeared in The Trial Lawyer Magazine, Winter 2004.] By Walter H. Walker, III A friend of mine, a trial lawyer, recently said to me, "I love my juries.” This was at a cocktail party and yet I was all over her in an instant. "Which juries?" I asked. "All juries? Any jury? Regardless…
Read MoreAs I Was Telling Fidel…
[This article originally appeared in The Trial Lawyer Magazine, Spring 2002.] By Walter "Skip" Walker Some 30 of us litigators trooped off to Cuba in early December under a program fully supported by the State Department. Yes, the embargo is still in effect, but, hey, even Cuba needs cultural exchanges. So we trial lawyers, almost…
Read MorePost 9.11: Personal Injury Litigation in the Aftermath
[This originally appeared in The Trial Lawyer Magazine, Winter 2002.] By Walter "Skip" Walker March, 2000, life was good. Life was "phat," as the kids were saying. It was certainly good for everyone in the San Mateo County courtroom. Except, of course, the plaintiff. She, after all, had lost her 14-year-old son in a drowning…
Read MoreThe Fine Line Between Fiction and Litigation: An Interview with Walter Walker
This article originally appeared in the magazine of the Consumer Attorneys of California (CAOC) Forum Magazine, October 2000. San Francisco personal injury lawyer and CAOC Board member. Walter "Skip" Walker published five novels from 1983 to 1992. In A Dime to Dance By, former high school football star, and now second-rate attorney, Chuckie Bishop whiles…
Read MoreSkip Walker Named Finalist for 2021 Marin County Trial Lawyer of the Year
The firm is proud to announce that Walter "Skip" Walker was named a finalist for the Marin County Trial Lawyer of the Year in 2021. This is Skip’s second time as a finalist for this prestigious award. He has also been nominated for San Francisco Trial Lawyer of the Year five times and California Trial…
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