Bus Stop Liability

Bus Stop Liability

Did a Dangerous Bus Stop Location Lead to Injury?

Walker, Hamilton & Kearns, LLP may be the leading plaintiffs’ firm in Northern California in this area of litigation, having successfully prosecuted the ground-breaking case of Bonanno v. Central Contra Costa Transit Authority (2003) 30 Cal 4th 139 over a 10-year period.

Walter Walker began developing the theory of dangerous locations of bus stops over 25 years ago, and has prosecuted numerous cases of this type, including a dangerous-condition bus-stop case against the City and County of San Francisco that settled for $2,040,000.

Do you have a case? Please contact us an tell us about it.


Pedestrian Hit by SF Muni Bus


Bus Stop Location Creates Public Liability


MUNI Hits Pedestrian


Dangerous Bus Stop Causes MUNI Pedestrian Accident

Sep, 132018

Pedestrian Struck by MUNI Bus

$1,250,000 settlement for pedestrian who suffered head and shoulder injuries when struck by a San Francisco MUNI bus.

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