A Call to Arms
Challenging exorbitant expert fees and using Aguilar to restructure summary judgments are things that we all can do [Note: this article by Skip Walker and Jeffrey Walker first appeared in Plaintiff Magazine, April 2022.] Premium gas prices hit $6.39 a gallon in the Bay Area in early March. Blame it on the Russians, except gas…
Read MoreThe Joy Of Prosecuting Civil Cases
From the vernacular of Gary Dordick to the polish of Bruce Broillet and the confidence of Deborah Chang, our finest trial lawyers continue to inspire me to go forth and try cases, even after 47 years of practice. [Note: This article by Skip Walker first appeared in Plaintiff Magazine, January 2022.] I went to the…
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The Ethical and Moral Dilemmas of Representing a Client in Litigation
"Rumpole doesn’t know the law..." Thus spake Phyllida Erskine-Brown (nee Trant), brilliant but strait-laced pupil of Horace Rumpole, the irascible London barrister at the center of John Mortimer's stories and novels about life at the Bar. For those of you who have not seen the British television series Rumpole of the Bailey or read the…
Read MoreHow a Trial Lawyer Writes a Book
[As seen in The Trial Lawyer Magazine, Spring 2015] By Walter "Skip" Walker So, how's your book coming? Seriously, you are writing a book, aren't you? Aren't all lawyers? All trial lawyers, at Ieast. And why shouldn't we? After aII, we have wonderful stories to tell. Rip-roaring stories. Exciting, unbelievable, tragic, funny, peculiar stories about…
Read MoreLove Those Juries
[This originally appeared in The Trial Lawyer Magazine, Winter 2004.] By Walter H. Walker, III A friend of mine, a trial lawyer, recently said to me, "I love my juries.” This was at a cocktail party and yet I was all over her in an instant. "Which juries?" I asked. "All juries? Any jury? Regardless…
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